Resultado da pesquisa (3)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Santos T.R.

#1 - Risk factors associated with mammary tumors in female dogs

Abstract in English:

Mammary tumors in female dogs are the most frequent and corresponds to half of the canine tumors. The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors associated with the occurrence of mammary tumors in female dogs and to evaluate the macroscopic characteristics of these neoformations, using 386 dogs from the “Outubro Rosa Pets” events done within the cities of Uberlândia and Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in 2015 (n=194), 2016 (n=105) and 2017 (n=87). For the determination of risk factors, the binary logistic regression test (P<0.05) was performed. The occurrence of mammary tumors was 23.6% (91/386). The significant risk factors identified were increased age (P<0.001), overweight (P=0.048) and non-castration (P<0.001) with a chance of, respectively, 1.6, 2.3 and 9.3 times for the development of mammary tumors. In dogs with mammary tumors (n=91), 153 lesions were present, of which 39 female dogs had two or more lesions (42.8%). Most of the lesions were at the caudal abdominal (M4) and inguinal (M5) mammary glands (60.13%, 92/153). Relative to the size of the lesions, it was observed that in 78% of the female dogs the lesions were determined asT1 (<3cm), 16.5% were T2 (3-5cm) and 5.5% T3 (>5cm). At least 15.4% (14/91) of the dogs had one of the regional lymph nodes increased. In conclusion, the occurrence of mammary tumors in the evaluated population was 23.6% and that age, overweight and non-realization of ovariohysterectomy are risk factors associated with the development of mammary tumors.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Em cadelas os tumores mamários são os mais frequentes e correspondem a aproximadamente metade dos tumores em cães. Este estudo teve os objetivos de determinar os fatores de risco envolvidos na ocorrência de tumores mamários em cadelas e avaliar as características macroscópicas destas neoformações, utilizando 386 cadelas do evento “Outubro Rosa Pets” nos municípios de Uberlândia e Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brasil, em 2015 (n=194), 2016 (n=105) e 2017 (n=87). Para a determinação dos fatores de risco utilizou-se o teste de Regressão logística binária (P<0,05). A ocorrência de tumores mamários foi de 23,6% (91/386). Os fatores de risco significativos identificados foram aumento da idade (P<0,001), sobrepeso (P=0,048) e não-castração (P<0,001) com a chance de, respectivamente, 1,6, 2,3 e 9,3 vezes de desenvolvimento de tumores mamários. Nas cadelas com tumores mamários (n=91), constatou-se a presença de 153 lesões, sendo que 39 cadelas apresentaram duas ou mais lesões (42,8%). A maioria das lesões localizaram-se nas mamas abdominais caudais (M4) e inguinais (M5) (60,13%; 92/153). Em relação ao tamanho das lesões, observou-se que 78% das cadelas eram T1 (<3cm), 16,5% T2 (3-5cm) e 5,5% T3 (>5cm). Pelo menos 15,4% (14/91) das cadelas apresentaram um dos linfonodos regionais aumentados. Conclui-se que a ocorrência dos tumores mamários na população avaliada foi de 23,6% e que a idade, sobrepeso e não ovariohisterectomia são fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de tumores mamários.

#2 - Retained placenta and subclinical endometritis: prevalence and relation with reproductive performance of crossbred dairy cows

Abstract in English:

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of type of calving (eutocic vs. dystocic), season of the year (rainy vs. dry) on retained placenta (RP) and subclinical endometritis (SE) prevalence, to verify the relation between these diseases, as well as its effects on culling rate, days open and number of AI/conception. Retention of fetal membranes was recorded on first day postpartum. Endometrial cytology was performed between 30 and 80 days in milk (DIM) and positive cases were considered ≥5% neutrophils. Data were analysed by logistic regression and analysis of variance on Minitab program (P<0.05). The prevalence of RP was 14.93% (69/462) and of SE was 27.49% (127/462). A tendency of effect of RP on SE prevalence was detected (P=0.10). Dystocia increased RP prevalence (P<0.05). Cows that calved during rainy months had greater SE prevalence (P<0.05). RP increased culling rate (P<0.05), calving to conception interval (P<0.05) and number of AI/conception (P<0.05), although SE occurrence did not affect these variables (P>0.05). In conclusion, RP tended to be a risk factor for SE, dystocia is a predisposing factor for RP and calvings that happens during rainy period increases SE. There is a negative impact on reproductive efficiency of crossbred dairy cows that had retained placenta.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do tipo de parto (eutócico vs. distócico) e do período do ano (chuvoso vs. seco) sobre a prevalência de retenção de placenta (RP) e de endometrite subclínica (ES), verificar a relação entre as duas patologias, e os efeitos dessas sobre a taxa de descarte, o período de serviço (PS) e número de IA/concepção. A RP foi avaliada no primeiro dia pós-parto (DPP). A citologia endometrial foi realizada entre 30 e 80 DPP, considerando positivos casos contendo acima de 5% de neutrófilos. Os dados foram analisados por regressão logística e análise de variância no programa Minitab (P<0,05). A prevalência de RP foi de 14,93% (69/462) e de ES de 27,49% (127/462). Foi detectada tendência de efeito (P=0,10) da RP sobre a prevalência da ES. Partos distócicos aumentaram a prevalência de RP e vacas que pariram nos meses chuvosos tiveram maior prevalência de ES (P<0,05). A RP elevou a taxa de descarte (P<0,05), a duração do período de serviço (P<0,05) e o número de IA por concepção (P<0,05), enquanto a ES não afetou essas variáveis (P>0,05). Conclui-se que a retenção de placenta tende a ser um fator de risco para endometrite subclínica, distocia predispõe à retenção de placenta e partos ocorridos no período chuvoso aumentam os casos de endometrite subclínica. Há um impacto negativo na eficiência reprodutiva de vacas leiteiras mestiças acometidas por retenção de placenta.

#3 - Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus*) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul, p.65-70

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Santos T.R.B., Farias N.A.R., Cunha Filho N.A., Pappen F.G. & Vaz Junior I.S. 2009. [Studies of the management of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):65-70. Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Cx. Postal 354, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, cattle become infested with Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus mainly between October and April due to the climatic conditions. In addition to knowing its life cycle, knowledge of parasite’s epidemiology is essential to establish management strategies. Epidemiological studies on resistance to acaricides in Rio Grande do Sul as well as in the rest of Brazil are scarce. Moreover, the large geographical area and the structural deficiency with respect to the use and access to databases make reliable data difficult to obtain. The present study surveyed the perception by cattle breeders in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul in regards of identification of R. (B.) microplus populations that are difficult to manage using acaricides, as well as the risk factors for the selection of resistant tick populations. Tick management data on beef cattle in 85 properties of seven municipalities were collected. The results revealed that the difficulty in tick management correlated positively with levels of education of the farm owners (up to elementary school, OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and with the yearly number of acaricide applications (over four, with OR = 4.05 and p= 0.006). These results also suggest that properties with more than 100 beef cattle under extensive farming conditions in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul show characteristics that may contribute to longer acaricide lifetimes as compared to other regions in the Country.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Santos T.R.B., Farias N.A.R., Cunha Filho N.A., Pappen F.G. & Vaz Junior I.S. 2009. [Studies of the management of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):65-70. Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Cx. Postal 354, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, cattle become infested with Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus mainly between October and April due to the climatic conditions. In addition to knowing its life cycle, knowledge of parasite’s epidemiology is essential to establish management strategies. Epidemiological studies on resistance to acaricides in Rio Grande do Sul as well as in the rest of Brazil are scarce. Moreover, the large geographical area and the structural deficiency with respect to the use and access to databases make reliable data difficult to obtain. The present study surveyed the perception by cattle breeders in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul in regards of identification of R. (B.) microplus populations that are difficult to manage using acaricides, as well as the risk factors for the selection of resistant tick populations. Tick management data on beef cattle in 85 properties of seven municipalities were collected. The results revealed that the difficulty in tick management correlated positively with levels of education of the farm owners (up to elementary school, OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and with the yearly number of acaricide applications (over four, with OR = 4.05 and p= 0.006). These results also suggest that properties with more than 100 beef cattle under extensive farming conditions in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul show characteristics that may contribute to longer acaricide lifetimes as compared to other regions in the Country.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV